Over the weekend, i made my second origami. I went to the store and bought a booklet for origami. After that, i went home and looked through the booklet. I also looked on the internet, and found useful information. I did researched and looked online for quite some time. Some of my friends did origami but made basic things, so i asked them.
                      When i finished looking at the booklet and researching, I went to fold my origami. I made a panda origami. It was easy and hard, The face was easier than the body. I got a bit confused and had to retry a couple of times. After that, I found out how to make it, but not perfectly. Once I finished it, i took pictures of it and email it to me.

                       The easiest thing this time was the face of the panda, looking at the instructions, and researching. The difficult part was folding the correct way to make the panda. I used my laptop for videos, researching and origami paper. I worked on the project at home, in my room. Resources that i used to learn was researching, origami instructions/booklet. I watched several YouTube videos. I googled most of the things.

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    December 2012

